The “Badlapur sexual abuse case” has garnered significant attention, being described as “bigger than” the Kolkata doctor rape case due to the gravity and extent of its implications. This case involves a disturbing series of incidents that have raised serious questions about safety and legal protections in India.

    In the Badlapur case, the accused allegedly committed multiple instances of sexual abuse over an extended period, affecting a number of victims. The scale of the abuse and the systemic failures in addressing it have shocked the public and highlighted deep-rooted issues in the legal and social support systems for survivors of sexual violence.

    Source:- news 18

    Comparatively, the Kolkata doctor rape case also drew considerable media coverage, involving a high-profile medical professional accused of sexual assault. While this case brought to light the abuse within a prestigious institution and the challenges faced by victims seeking justice against powerful figures, it did not encompass the same breadth of systemic failure as the Badlapur case.

    Source:- BBC news

    The Badlapur case’s impact extends beyond the immediate legal ramifications. It has sparked widespread discussions on the need for reforms in how sexual abuse cases are handled, including the need for more robust protection for victims and stricter enforcement of laws against perpetrators. The case has also prompted calls for better training for law enforcement and judicial officers to deal with such sensitive and complex issues more effectively.

    In summary, the Badlapur sexual abuse case is considered “bigger than” the Kolkata doctor rape case due to its broader implications, including the systemic issues it has exposed and the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in the legal and social handling of sexual violence.

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