Aamir & Kareen Kapoor Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha recently released on the box office to mixed reviews from critics and fans. While the box office collections seemed dull on day one, the actors are hoping that the response would pick up over the weekend. LSC collected Rs. 12 crore on day one. While everyone is anticipating what response the ambitious movie will get over the weekend, a recent tweetstorm from Kashmir Files director Vivek Agnihotri has grabbed everyoneu2019s attention. In a cryptic tweet, certainly directed towards Aamir, Vivek mentioned how 60yr old actors are romancing 20/30 yr old women.  His tweet read, u201cForget the quality of a movie, when a 60 yr old heroes is desperate to romance 20/30 yr old girls, photoshopping faces to look young, there’s something fundamentally wrong with Bollywood. u2018Looking young and coolu2019 has destroyed Bollywood. And one particular person is responsible for this.u201d Vivek’s thread created a tweetstorm where netizens seem divided on both sides of the topic. Whose side are you on? Comment below.


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