During a recent phone call, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden discussed the evolving political situation in Bangladesh. The conversation highlighted both nations’ shared commitment to maintaining regional stability and supporting democratic principles.

    Source:- news 18

    Modi and Biden expressed their concerns about recent political developments in Bangladesh, emphasizing the importance of free, fair, and inclusive elections. They underscored the need for a peaceful resolution to any disputes and called for dialogue among all political stakeholders to ensure that the democratic process is upheld. Both leaders reiterated their support for Bangladesh’s democratic institutions and processes, reflecting their broader commitment to promoting democracy and human rights in the region.

    Source:- BBC news

    The discussion also touched on regional security concerns, where both leaders acknowledged the importance of a stable and prosperous Bangladesh in maintaining regional peace. They affirmed their commitment to work together and with other international partners to support Bangladesh’s efforts to strengthen its democratic institutions and promote inclusive economic development.

    Additionally, Modi and Biden highlighted the importance of India-U.S. cooperation in addressing regional and global challenges, including those related to Bangladesh. The conversation reflected their shared vision of a free, open, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, and their intention to continue collaborating closely on various bilateral, regional, and global issues.

    The phone call between Modi and Biden is seen as a reaffirmation of the strong strategic partnership between India and the U.S., with both leaders showing a unified stance on maintaining peace and stability in South Asia. Their discussion on Bangladesh underscores the significant role both countries play in promoting democratic values and regional security. This call follows ongoing diplomatic efforts by India and the U.S. to strengthen their bilateral ties and cooperate on a range of global issues, including democracy, security, and economic development.

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