In the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) aims to retain all 26 parliamentary seats in Gujarat, a state that has long been a stronghold for the party. A key factor driving this ambition is the charisma of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, whose influence remains deeply ingrained in Gujarat’s political landscape. Modi, a former Chief Minister of Gujarat, enjoys enduring popularity in the state, with many voters viewing him as a leader who brought about significant development and modernization.

    Source:- news 18

    The BJP’s strategy revolves around leveraging Modi’s image as a leader with a strong vision for India’s future, appealing to a broad base of voters across caste and community lines. The party’s campaign has heavily focused on Modi’s achievements at both the state and national levels, highlighting his role in initiatives like the “Gujarat Model” of development, which includes infrastructure development, investment in industries, and the promotion of social welfare schemes. The BJP is also banking on Modi’s personal rapport with the people of Gujarat, established over his long tenure as Chief Minister.

    Source:- BBC news

    Moreover, the BJP is aiming to consolidate its position by aligning with local issues and sentiments, including outreach to specific communities and addressing regional concerns. The party has been actively engaging in grassroots campaigns, using Modi’s influence to galvanize support and counter any anti-incumbency sentiments. By doing so, the BJP is not only looking to retain its dominance in Gujarat but also to secure a strong foothold in the national political arena for the 2024 elections.

    Overall, Modi’s charisma and connection with Gujarat’s electorate remain pivotal in the BJP’s efforts to maintain its stronghold in the state, making him a central figure in the party’s bid to retain all 26 seats in the upcoming elections.

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