Since the ouster of Sheikh Hasina’s government, Bangladeshi Hindus have reportedly faced increased persecution, with alarming incidents of forced resignations and social exclusion. A recent report reveals that 49 Hindu teachers across Bangladesh have been coerced into resigning from their positions, allegedly due to mounting pressure from local authorities and extremist groups. These incidents reflect a worrying trend of rising intolerance and discrimination against religious minorities in the country.

    Source:- news 18

    Under Sheikh Hasina’s leadership, Bangladesh was generally perceived as relatively stable in terms of religious harmony. However, with the change in political leadership, tensions appear to have resurfaced, leading to heightened insecurity among the Hindu community. Many fear that the current government is either unwilling or unable to protect the rights and safety of religious minorities. The forced resignations of Hindu teachers are seen as part of a broader campaign to marginalize Hindus in various sectors, particularly in education, where they have traditionally played a prominent role.


    Source:- news 18

    Local Hindu leaders and activists are raising their voices against this persecution, urging international human rights organizations and governments to intervene. They argue that such actions not only violate Bangladesh’s commitment to secularism and equality as enshrined in its constitution but also threaten the country’s social fabric and stability.


    The situation has sparked protests and calls for justice, both domestically and globally. Human rights organizations are monitoring the developments closely, and there is growing concern about the potential escalation of violence and further repression against Hindus in Bangladesh. The international community is being urged to hold the Bangladeshi government accountable and to ensure that the rights of all citizens, regardless of their religious affiliation, are protected and respected.


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