Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has raised concerns about the handling of his legal issues, alleging that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) did not arrest him for two years despite ongoing investigations. Kejriwal’s statements come in the wake of a recent development where he was arrested in connection with an insurance case only after securing bail in a separate matter.

    Source:- news 18

    Kejriwal has criticized the CBI’s approach, suggesting that the delay in his arrest was a strategic move, possibly influenced by political considerations. He argues that this delay has raised questions about the timing and motivations behind the investigations. The CBI has been investigating Kejriwal and his associates for various allegations, including corruption and irregularities, but has faced scrutiny over its methods and timing.

    Source:- BBC news

    The insurance-related arrest, which followed his bail in a different case, has added to the controversy surrounding his legal battles. Kejriwal’s legal team has contended that these actions are part of a larger political strategy to undermine his position and credibility. They argue that the timing of the arrests and the handling of the cases reflect a politically motivated agenda rather than a straightforward legal process.

    In response, Kejriwal has called for transparency and fairness in the investigations, urging that legal actions should be based on evidence rather than political motives. His statements highlight the ongoing tension between political leaders and investigative agencies, underscoring the complexities of legal proceedings in a politically charged environment.

    As the situation unfolds, the focus will remain on the legal proceedings and the implications for Kejriwal’s political career. The handling of these cases will likely continue to attract attention and debate, reflecting broader issues of governance, justice, and political influence.

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