The death penalty, while a severe punitive measure, is not a panacea for India’s persistent rape problem. Its implementation fails to address the underlying issues that perpetuate sexual violence and, in many cases, does not deter the crimes it seeks to prevent.

    Firstly, the root causes of rape are deeply embedded in societal attitudes and systemic failures. Patriarchy, gender inequality, and a lack of comprehensive sex education contribute to a culture where sexual violence is normalized or excused. Addressing these foundational issues requires long-term, systemic changes rather than mere punitive measures.

    Source:- news 18

    Secondly, the effectiveness of the death penalty as a deterrent is questionable. Studies from various jurisdictions show mixed results on whether capital punishment significantly reduces crime rates. The fear of execution does not necessarily outweigh the impulses or attitudes of perpetrators who commit rape. Often, such crimes are driven by immediate desires or a sense of power, rather than premeditated criminal intent.

    Source:- BBC news

    Moreover, the legal and judicial system in India faces numerous challenges, including delays, inefficiencies, and biases. The death penalty could exacerbate these issues, leading to wrongful convictions and potentially innocent people being executed. The risk of irreversible errors in a flawed system highlights the danger of using such an irreversible punishment.

    Finally, focusing on the death penalty diverts attention from more effective measures. Comprehensive sex education, community awareness programs, stronger support systems for survivors, and stringent enforcement of existing laws are crucial. Investing in these areas addresses the root causes of sexual violence and helps create a safer and more equitable society.

    In summary, the death penalty is not a viable solution to India’s rape problem. A multifaceted approach that tackles the societal and systemic issues contributing to sexual violence is necessary for meaningful and lasting change.

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