prominent leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), commented on the bail granted to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, highlighting the ongoing political battle between AAP and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Atishi criticized the BJP’s attempts to target Kejriwal through legal battles, stating that these efforts are part of a larger strategy to suppress their political rivals.

    Source:- news 18

    Atishi likened AAP to seeds that, despite being buried under pressure, continue to sprout and grow stronger. She emphasized that the BJP’s repeated efforts to undermine AAP, including Kejriwal’s prosecution, are aimed at silencing opposition voices that challenge its policies and governance. Atishi conveyed that such tactics only fuel AAP’s determination to fight back and serve the people of Delhi with renewed vigor.

    Source:- BBC news

    She also underscored Kejriwal’s contributions to the state, including significant reforms in education, healthcare, and governance. Atishi maintained that the BJP’s attempts to malign Kejriwal’s image and derail his leadership have been unsuccessful and have instead galvanized public support for AAP. She argued that the party’s resilience comes from its grassroots connections and commitment to public service, which no amount of political intimidation can diminish.


    Atishi concluded by reiterating that AAP remains steadfast in its mission to serve the people of Delhi, regardless of the obstacles posed by political adversaries. She affirmed that the BJP’s strategies would ultimately fail because AAP, like seeds, would continue to grow stronger, nourished by the very soil they are buried under.

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