In a recent revelation at the third edition of SCREEN Live in Mumbai, Bollywood actor Sunny Deol confirmed his participation in director Nitesh Tiwari’s ambitious two-part adaptation of the Ramayana. The project has already generated significant buzz, especially after Ranbir Kapoor disclosed his involvement in the film at the Red Sea Film Festival in Jeddah1.


    Deol, who was accompanied by his brother Bobby Deol, shared insights into the grand scale of the project. “Ramayana is a long project because they’re trying to make it the way Avatar and Planet of the Apes movies were made1. All those technicians are a part of it. The writer and director are very clear about the way it has to be and how the characters should be presented,” he said1.

    Source:- bbc news

    The film aims to deliver a visually stunning experience, addressing concerns raised by recent big-budget films like Om Raut’s Adipurush, which faced criticism for its visual effects. Deol assured audiences that the special effects in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana would feel authentic, making the events on screen appear genuinely real rather than fabricated1.

    Although there are speculations that Deol might be portraying Hanuman, he refrained from confirming his role. “You will also get to see the special effects that will make you believe that it (the events unfolding) has very genuinely happened rather than making one feel that these are special effects1. To be honest, I’m very sure it’s going to be great and I’m sure that everybody will love it,” he added.

    The film boasts a star-studded cast, with Ranbir Kapoor playing Ram and Sai Pallavi as Sita. Ravi Dubey has confirmed his role as Lakshman, while Kannada superstar Yash will portray Ravan1. The first part of the film is expected to hit theaters during the Diwali season of 2026, with the second part slated for release in Diwali 2027.

    Producer Namit Malhotra, who has been vocal about the project’s vision, recently shared on social media, “More than a decade ago, I embarked on a noble quest to bring this epic that has ruled billions of hearts for over 5000 years to the big screen. And today, I am thrilled to see it taking shape beautifully as our teams work tirelessly with only one purpose: to present the most authentic, sacred, and visually stunning adaptation of our history, our truth, and our culture – our ‘RAMAYANA’ – for people across the world1.”

    As anticipation builds, fans eagerly await the release of this epic cinematic experience, which promises to bring the timeless tale of Ramayana to life with unparalleled grandeur and authenticity.

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