BTS is well-known for its dedication to charitable causes. BTS ARMY, its massive fandom, emphasises the same. If you follow international news, you’ve probably heard about the tragedy at Indonesia’s Kunjuruhan Stadium. Well, 131 people were killed in a rampage after security forces used tear gas in response to an unruly incident. A match was hosted at the football ground in Java, Indonesia, on October 1, 2022. It appears that after the home team, Arema, lost to another local team, 3000 people invaded the ground and attacked the squad of players and support staff. There was a squabble with the cops, which resulted in the use of tear gas. The stadium’s exits appear to have been sealed when a stampede broke out. Hundreds of people were killed as a result of crowd stomp and asphyxiation. The official figure, 131, has finally been released by the government.Watch the video here:
    The Indonesian BTS ARMY rushed into action and raised USD 30,000 in far less than a day to assist families. CNN Indonesia has covered the story. The funds will be used to provide help to people who have lost their sole breadwinner, as well as to fund research for children who have lost both parents. They are currently distributing funds to those in need and have decided to close contributions.What are your thoughts on BTS? Comment below.


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