superstar Shah Rukh Khan returned to Mumbai from a family holiday in Alibaug. To maintain privacy, he concealed his face with a black hoodie and carried his pet dog in his arms. Accompanied by his wife, Gauri Khan, and children, AbRam and Suhana, Shah Rukh was spotted at the Gateway of India jetty, surrounded by tight security.
Source:- bbc news
The family appeared relaxed and content, with Shah Rukh’s affectionate gesture towards his pet dog capturing the attention of onlookers. Gauri Khan was seen wearing a white shirt paired with a yellow blazer and black flared pants, while Suhana and AbRam were also present, though their appearances were less publicized.
Source:- news 18
This return marks Shah Rukh Khan’s first public appearance since the release of his film “Dunki” in December 2024. The film received a lukewarm response at the box office, following the massive success of his previous films “Pathaan” and “Jawan” earlier in the year.
Fans have expressed their excitement and curiosity about Shah Rukh’s new pet, with many sharing images and comments on social media platforms. The actor’s efforts to maintain privacy during his family time have been appreciated by his supporters.
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