Sutapa Sikdar, the wife of late actor Irrfan Khan, has opened up about her ongoing struggle to cope with his untimely demise. Irrfan, one of India’s most acclaimed actors, passed away in April 2020 after battling a rare form of cancer, leaving an indelible void in the hearts of his loved ones and fans.

    Source:- BBC news

    Sutapa shared her journey of grief and healing, acknowledging how difficult it has been to move on. “It’s tough,” she admitted in a heartfelt statement. Despite the passage of time, she said the loss of Irrfan continues to impact her deeply, as he was not just a life partner but also a profound influence on her worldview.

    Source:- bbc news

    She reflected on their relationship, emphasizing how Irrfan’s presence brought meaning to her life. “Every day is a reminder of what we had and what we lost,” she said. Sutapa also revealed that memories of their shared moments, his laughter, and his passion for art and life remain vivid. They serve as both a comfort and a reminder of his absence.

    Sutapa has been vocal about keeping Irrfan’s legacy alive, often sharing anecdotes and unseen pictures from their life together on social media. She believes that his artistic contributions and the values he stood for should continue to inspire others. She also expressed gratitude for the support of fans, saying that their love and admiration for Irrfan provide strength in moments of weakness.

    Her candidness about grief resonates with many who have experienced similar losses. As Sutapa continues to navigate life without Irrfan, she serves as a reminder of the enduring impact of love and the resilience it takes to move forward while cherishing the memories of those we’ve lost.

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