A controversy has erupted in Pune over a New Year party invite sent by a local pub, which included condoms as part of its promotional material. The invite, designed to attract partygoers for a New Year’s Eve celebration, has drawn sharp criticism from the Congress party, who called it “against traditions” and filed an official complaint with the police.

    Source:- bbc news

    The pub’s invitation, which was shared on social media and circulated among potential customers, included a condom alongside party details, sparking a public debate about morality, cultural values, and the role of advertising in modern India. Congress leaders, particularly from the Pune region, expressed outrage over the pub’s marketing strategy, saying it disrespected cultural norms and promoted inappropriate behavior. They also accused the pub of engaging in “cheap publicity.”

    Source:- news 18

    In response to the public outcry, the Congress filed a formal complaint with the Pune police, urging them to take action against the establishment for violating public decency laws. The party’s spokesperson emphasized that such promotional tactics undermine societal values and encouraged authorities to prevent such incidents in the future.

    On the other hand, the pub’s management defended the invite, arguing that it was meant to be a playful, modern take on a typical party invite. They insisted the inclusion of condoms was a creative way to promote responsible partying, especially in light of the ongoing awareness about safe sex practices. The pub also emphasized that the invite was intended for a specific audience, and they had not intended to offend anyone.

    The controversy has sparked mixed reactions, with some defending the pub’s right to market its event in a contemporary manner, while others, particularly from conservative groups, continue to criticize it as an affront to cultural norms.

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