Sharmistha Mukherjee, the daughter of former President Pranab Mukherjee, recently launched a scathing attack on the Congress party, referring to its leaders as “Rahul’s bhakt-chelas” (devotees and followers of Rahul). Her comments came amid growing frustration with the direction the party has taken under Rahul Gandhi’s leadership, particularly in the wake of several electoral setbacks.

    Source:- bbc news

    Sharmistha, who has been an active Congress leader in the past, expressed her disillusionment with the party’s inability to evolve and adapt to changing political dynamics. She criticized Congress for being overly focused on the Gandhi family, to the detriment of its broader leadership and organizational structure. Her remarks reflect the increasing rift within the party, where a section of leaders has been vocal about the need for new leadership and a fresh approach.

    Source:- news 18

    Pranab Mukherjee, her father, had a long and distinguished political career, and while he was a senior Congress leader, his relationship with the party became more complex in the latter years, especially as he distanced himself from certain party decisions. Sharmistha’s comments suggest a growing frustration with the dynastic politics that has defined the Congress for decades.

    The Congress has been struggling to regain its foothold in national politics after its significant losses in recent elections. Critics argue that the party has not effectively addressed the aspirations of the younger generation or tackled internal divisions. Sharmistha’s sharp criticism comes at a time when the party is grappling with leadership challenges and a loss of momentum in key states.

    In conclusion, Sharmistha Mukherjee’s comments underscore the deepening crisis within the Congress party, highlighting the tensions between legacy leadership and the demands for a more dynamic, inclusive political future.

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