Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal celebrated the arrival of 2025 a little early while in Australia, sharing glimpses of their festive moments with fans on social media. The duo, currently in the land down under, kicked off the New Year celebrations with a relaxed and joyful vibe, showing off their close friendship and festive spirit.

    Source:- bbc news

    Sonakshi, known for her Bollywood hits, posted a series of cheerful photos and videos, featuring herself and Zaheer enjoying the beautiful Australian summer. The actress was seen dressed casually, soaking in the sights and sounds of the country, as they celebrated the occasion with a small gathering, complete with laughter and good company.

    Source:- bbc news

    Zaheer, who has made a mark in Bollywood with his debut performances, also shared a heartwarming post from their celebration, expressing his gratitude for the year gone by and his excitement for the year ahead. The duo’s shared moments offered fans a sneak peek into their carefree and fun-filled time together.

    The New Year celebrations were all about embracing new beginnings and reflecting on the experiences of 2024. In their posts, both Sonakshi and Zaheer extended heartfelt wishes to their followers, encouraging them to welcome 2025 with positivity and hope. Their joy-filled posts quickly gained traction, with fans sending their love and best wishes for the new year.

    In conclusion, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s early New Year celebrations in Australia captured a sense of joy, camaraderie, and the spirit of new beginnings, giving fans a delightful look at their festive time together.

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