In a heartwarming display of affection, Taimur Ali Khan, the son of Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, was recently photographed carrying his mother’s high heels after an event. The images, shared by Kareena on her Instagram account, capture Taimur walking ahead of his mother in a hotel corridor, holding her stilettos in his right hand. Kareena captioned the post, “MAA ki seva iss saal and forever. Happy new year friends . More Pictures coming soon. stay tuned

    Source:- bbc news

    The gesture has garnered widespread admiration from fans and celebrities alike. One fan commented, “He is turning into a true blue Pataudi Gentleman,” while another wrote, “Taimur is a gentleman. God bless you baby.”

    Source:- news 18

    Kareena, who recently returned from a family vacation in Switzerland, has been sharing moments from their trip, including snapshots of Taimur skiing and enjoying the snowy landscapes.

    This endearing moment highlights the close bond between mother and son, showcasing Taimur’s thoughtful nature and the warmth of their family relationship.

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