Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently met with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella to discuss the transformative role of technology, innovation, and artificial intelligence (AI) in shaping India’s future. The meeting highlighted the Indian government’s commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive economic growth, enhance governance, and empower citizens.

    Source:- bbc news

    **Focus on AI and Digital Transformation**

    Discussions centered around the potential of AI to revolutionize sectors such as healthcare, education, and agriculture. Both leaders emphasized the need for ethical AI development and the importance of upskilling India’s workforce to meet future technological demands.

    Source:- news 18

    **Microsoft’s Role in India’s Digital Journey**

    Nadella reiterated Microsoft’s dedication to supporting India’s digital transformation through investments in cloud infrastructure, AI research, and skilling initiatives. He also highlighted the success of collaborations between Microsoft and Indian enterprises in driving digital innovation and enhancing productivity.

    **Promoting Tech-Driven Governance**

    Prime Minister Modi emphasized the role of technology in improving governance and service delivery. He discussed initiatives like Digital India, which aim to bridge the digital divide and empower rural communities with tech access. The integration of AI and machine learning in public services was a key topic.

    **Strengthening India’s Tech Ecosystem**

    The meeting underscored India’s growing importance as a global tech hub and its potential to lead in AI innovation. Both leaders explored ways to foster a collaborative ecosystem involving startups, academia, and global tech firms to accelerate India’s digital economy.

    The discussion between PM Modi and Satya Nadella signals a shared vision for a tech-enabled future, strengthening India’s position as a leader in innovation and digital transformation.

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