Ajay Devgn, the renowned Bollywood actor, recently shared his thoughts on how audience expectations and the level of scrutiny have changed over the years. According to Devgn, today’s audience is less forgiving compared to the past, and they tend to be more vocal about a film’s shortcomings. Reflecting on his own journey, Devgn highlighted that earlier, mistakes in films or performances were often overlooked, allowing actors more room for growth and learning. However, in the current era, audiences have become more discerning and quick to criticize.

    Source:- bbc news

    **Changing Dynamics of Audience Expectations**

    Devgn pointed out that while the Indian film industry has evolved in terms of content, production quality, and storytelling, audience expectations have also grown significantly. In the past, viewers were more focused on entertainment, and films were given the benefit of the doubt. But now, with the rise of social media and the ease of information sharing, audiences are not only quicker to judge but also more open in expressing their opinions. The actor believes this has put a lot more pressure on filmmakers and actors to meet high standards, as even a slight flaw in a film or performance can attract backlash.

    **Navigating the New Landscape**

    Despite the increased scrutiny, Devgn acknowledged that the changing dynamics have pushed actors and filmmakers to refine their craft. He emphasized that, while it’s important to listen to the audience, it’s equally important for artists to stay true to their creative vision. Devgn, who has been a part of the film industry for decades, remains focused on delivering quality work, adapting to the shifting landscape, and staying relevant in a competitive industry.


    Devgn’s comments reflect the evolving relationship between filmmakers, actors, and the audience, underlining the growing demands of today’s entertainment world.


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