Pique has played 622 times for Barcelona and is one of the most decorated players in the club’s history. With the club, he has won eight La Liga titles and three Champions Leagues. As a former Spain player, he helped his country win the World Cup in 2010 and the European Championship in 2012. On his official Twitter account, Pique announced his retirement.There has been talk about me for weeks, Pique said in a video shared on social media. I haven’t said anything yet, but I’d like to.
    Coming from a football family, I, like many of you, have always supported Barcelona. I didn’t want to play football; I wanted to play for Barcelona.

    I’ve been thinking a lot lately about when I was younger, about what Gerard would have thought if I told him he’d fulfill all of his dreams, that he’d play for Baru00e7a and be a European and world champion.
    That he would play alongside the best players and captain the club… football has given me everything, Barcelona has given me everything, and you, the fans, have given me everything. And now that my childhood dreams have been realized, the time has come to close this chapter.
    I’ve always said that after Barcelona, there will be no other team, and that’s exactly what will happen. My last game at Camp Nou will be on Saturday, Pique said.


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