Penguins are the most common birds in Antarctica, living in colonies with populations larger than some cities and surviving in the harshest of environments; it’s no surprise that Penguins are the continent’s symbol.Antarctica is home to 18 different species of penguins, but only two (the Emperor and the Adelie) call the continent home. All penguins breed on the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, where conditions are harsh. King penguins can only be found in the northeastern hemisphere.The real home of all the penguins is the cold waters of the southern hemisphere.
    Penguins stand for hours on ice, but they have two clever ways of keeping their feet a few degrees above freezing. Blood flow to their feet is tightly controlled, with a reduced flow in cold water. Heat ex-changers at the top of their legs take heat from the blood flowing to the feet and use it to heat up the blood flowing back into the body.Penguins in Antarctica are suffering greatly as a result of climate change, with the ice melting quickly and the level of water rising as a result of global warming.These are harsh conditions for the penguins to leave in the area where they are now becoming increasingly confined. Their island is going to vanish due to global warming, which makes their conditions too harsh for them to fulfill their requirements and survive in Antarctica.Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent in the world. On December 8, 2010, scientists discovered a Madrid in Antarctica, where icebergs form on ice sheets and penguins live.It all depends on humans to save other species on Earth, and serious measures should be taken in order to succumb to this outrageous phenomenon.Comment down your thoguhts.


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