Vijay Deverakonda is without a doubt one of the most sought-after young actors in Telugu cinema. The talented actor made his Bollywood debut recently with the sports drama Liger. The Puri Jagannadh-directed film, which debuted as the biggest release in Vijay Deverakonda’s acting career, was a colossal flop. The actor, who had undergone extensive training and a rigorous workout regiment to play a boxer in the film, sustained a shoulder injury during filming. However, after 8 months of treatment, Vijay Deverakonda has finally recovered from his injury.Vijay Deverakonda on his recuperation
source: YoutubeThe Liger actor recently posted a story on his official Instagram page, in which he shared an update on his recovery as well as a motivating note. After 8 months of rehabilitation, the back is nearly healed. The beast is itching to get out. Has been imprisoned for far too long. Go hard and outwork everyone I care about, Vijay Deverakonda wrote on his Instagram story. The actor is dressed in a yellow suit, with his face hidden behind his palms, which bear the marks of an intense workout.Injuries to Vijay Deverakonda’s shouldersThe talented actor wowed audiences with his massive transformation for Liger, which cast him in the role of an MMA fighter. Vijay’s trainer, Kuldeep Sethi, previously revealed in an interview that the actor had a shoulder injury before making his film debut. He also had a lot of muscle imbalance. According to reports, Vijay Deverakonda suffered another shoulder injury while filming the Puri Jagannadh project, which aggravated his condition. He has been receiving treatment for the past eight months.Vijay’s professional lifeFollowing the massive failure of Liger, Vijay Deverakonda intends to be selective in his career and carefully select his future projects. After the 2018 blockbuster Mahanati, the actor will next be seen in the upcoming romantic comedy Kushi, which marks his reunion with popular actress Samantha Rukh Prabhu. He intends to reteam with Liger director Puri Jagannadh for his next film, Jana Gana Mana. Vijay Deverakonda is also in talks for his next film with Jersey director Gautham Tinnanuri.Wish him a speedy recovery in the comments below.
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