According to the police, no complaints have been made, and no one has been detained or arrested as of yet. According to the police, two male students got into a fight over a private matter. Men are seen strolling around with sticks and lathes in an allegedly taken video from the university campus.
    According to DCP, a PCR call was made about the students fighting near Narmada Hostel at around 5 p.m. We discovered that the argument was about a private topic. We have two MLCs’ worth of students. There haven’t yet been any complaints filed. Legal action is being pursued as needed. A senior police officer continued, We learned about the fight from the college. Two students got into a dispute about a private matter, and their buddies soon joined them.
    There are no student political organizations or political parties present.An official from JNU stated, Last night, there was an altercation between two groups of students at a birthday celebration hosted on campus. One pupil suffered a wound. Boys who were part of the group helping the injured today afternoon turned to violence in retaliation, together with those from the outside. Security on campus had been notified to stop more altercations. The police have not received any complaints. Currently, there is calm on campus, and the administration has requested a report.
    Fighting eruptions like this should be succumbed to; otherwise, there will be no law and order in the university and they will be taken for granted.


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