The actor is about to make his Marathi debut after a great year in Bollywood. Yes! You heard correctly. Khiladi Kumar will make his Marathi debut in Mahesh Manjrekar’s next Shivaji-based film. In the movie Vedat Marathe Veer Daudale Saat, the actor would portray Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The actor revealed the first image of himself as Shivaji on his Instagram account, and we predict that fans will be in awe.First look at Akshay Kumar as Shivaji Maharaj
    We can see Akshay Kumar dressed identically like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in the post he shared. Akshay gives the impression that Shivaji Maharaj is genuinely who he is, whether it’s through makeup, body language, or other factors. The actor wrote, , ! in response to sharing the first glimpse. Fans have been gushing over the actor and his appearance ever since Akshay released this video.The enthusiasm level among moviegoers has reached a new high as a result of the actor’s Marathi debut. In 2023, the film about seven brave soldiers who dedicated their lives to realising Shivaji Maharaj’s vision of Swarajya and creating one of history’s most glorious pages would be released in theatres.Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat Mahesh Manjrekar is the director of Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat, while Vaseem Qureshi is the producer. Vedat Marathe Veer Daudle Saat will be released in theatres on Diwali 2023 in Marathi, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.
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