As people’s willingness to improve their mental health has grown numerous start-ups and established businesses have started to work in rhis direction.Tata Consultancy Services, or TCS, is the most recent company to be added to this list of ones working on mental health-related fields. This IT giant is now developing an app to aid users with mental health issues.The app would utilise a gamified approach to help users reduce anxiety and stress. It would digitise existing clinical evidence to create correct mental health interventions. This gamified strategy is used to maintain consumers who typically find it challenging to remain consistent on such apps. At a premier Indian hospital, the app is currently undergoing clinical validation. TCS is also internally evaluating the appu2019s usability by conducting a beta test with around 900 employees.Once the app gets the clinical validation, the company intends to reach out to hospitals, insurance players and partner companies for proof-of-concept studies and the appu2019s financial structure.This is for the 1st time that the company is developing something directly for the end users rather than for corporate sector, that is working on the B to C model. Although there is enough requirement of such an app for the corporates too as they wish to offer this facility to their employees just as they do in case of life insurance.
    Image source- grainger.comIf the digital interventions fail, the app will recommend the user to seek clinical help, added a senior consultant. This app has gained large attention from multiple partners, specially those from medical sciences. This app could also aid doctors in keeping a check on the patients outside the hospitals and even without physical assistance!The focus of such IT giants over the issue of mental health definitely will level up the awareness about it and would also help in easing out the lives of millions of Indians suffering undiagnosed issues. More such innovations will always be appreciated by the society and science.


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