People are seen acting strangely on the city’s streets in videos that are becoming viral on Twitter. It featured males stuck on the side of the sidewalk, leaning over on their feet, and women strolling incredibly slowly with their mouths open. One strange video surfaced on the @dammiedammie35 user’s Twitter feed. Brooo, what’s going on in the USA? was the user’s caption for the image.
     In the comments area that followed the video, other related videos were posted. Many commentators expressed their scepticism. One enquired, Are you certain that it isn’t the zombie virus that we learned about last week? One more said, Once the zombie virus had finally spread, earliest stage. You’ve watched too much Walking Dead and Resident Evil, a third user commented.
    For those of you who are still unsure of what went wrong with the people in the video, it was drug use. Many Twitter users correctly predicted it as a Zombie apocalypse brought on by narcotics.Whether it’s a zombie virus or drugs, the people in the video obviously need assistance. In the meantime, Russian ice recently allowed scientists to resurrect the zombie virus. Despite spending so much time frozen, it was discovered to be contagious.what do you think about this virus share with us in the comment section .


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