This is a rather bold move to eradicate the practice of smoking as a whole, say reporters. It is a step to create a generation of individuals who are not addicted to smoking. People who are of age 14 will never be able to legally buy cigarettes in their life.It is a package of policies in which the number of licensed cigarette sellers is to be reduced. The cigarettes that will be sold would contain low levels of nicotine, thus making it less appealing and less addictive. Some say this might also start a black market for cigarettes, but that is an issue for another time. associate health minister of New Zealand said, There is no safe age to start smoking. The idea is to discourage young people from taking up smoking and helping the addicts quit. By restricting access to cigarettes for the new generation, the country aims to create a smoke-free nation by the year 2025. No access, no habit. New Zealand aims at denormalizing the use of cigarettes, as it is a very urgent and serious issue and a threat to many people’s lives. What do think of this policy by the New Zealand government? Let us know in the comments…