Alok Tiwari, a local journalist who has been detained, is suspected of soliciting money for a book on Prime Minister Modi’s Mann Ki Baat show on social media. Anand Keshav Singh reported this to the police in a complaint. 4001 rupees have allegedly also been seized from the complainant.
     The complainant informed the police that the defendant had posted on social media that the book will be released in March 2023 and would be received by Draupadi Murmu, the country’s president. According to the accusation, the journalist propagated misleading information on social media about President Murmu’s impending book publication. He is soliciting money as a substitute for this.
     Source : The Indian ExpressAt the Mumbai police station in Goregaon, a case of cheating has been reported, and an investigation is underway. A policeman claimed that he was a Sab Granth. By pretending to print the book under the name and secure the President’s endorsement for its March release, he was attempting to deceive the public. A copy of the letter was sent to prominent people, and the accused circulated messages in this respect on social media. He said that a case had been opened against him in the criminal branch based on the victim’s complaint.A case of cheating has also surfaced from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh. In this instance, the police detained a suspect who had committed over 35 offences. He used to defraud people in the pretence of placing them in foreign employment. He got started by watching the Crime Patrol TV series. Rajendra Singh, the suspect, admitted during a police interview that he had previously utilised an online advertising business to place adverts for fraud in newspapers in various states.Comment your thoughts.


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