Manish Gupta, the Director of Google research in India, said in an event that they are working on digitisation of the doctor’s prescription and one will be easily able to get the medicines that have been prescribed. This is a useful tool as a person will get familiar with the kind of medicines he needs over time.We all know prescriptions are mostly handwritten, hard to read and even harder to remember, said the Director. He called upon a chemist and asked him to explain how he identifies the letters and words written on the prescription. The chemists have gotten accustomed to reading prescriptions and have perfected it over time with the help of their own tricks.
    The Direction, Manish Gupta, said that the people at Google feel, the process of identification of medicines on the prescriptions should be and could be simpler. They have succeeded in the initial tests but need to make a few more developments before they launch it for the public. What are your views on this new feature? Could this be useful? Let us know in the comments.


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