China is flooding with dead bodies everywhere as the cases surge. It has been only two weeks since the country has lifted its COVID restrictions. It is being said that the Chinese government is not revealing the true numbers and are not keeping a track of the fatalities caused by this deadly virus. Accordingly to the images on social media and the news, it can be seen that bodies are queueing up in front of the crematoriums and hospitals do not have enough space to store the dead bodies. The crematorium workers said that the cases and the number of deaths have risen 5-fold in the past few days. A picture of a doctor collapsing has gone viral, as they have been treating a huge number of patients. Health care workers and nurses can be seen wearing hasmat suits, carrying all the dead bodies.It is also being reported that the elderly population in China is severely under vaccinated and that this negligence on China’s part is going to cost a lot to the whole world if serious measures are not taken soon.


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