Piyush Goyal stated that the government intended to decriminalise 182 provisions of 42 legislation spanning 19 ministries under the proposed Bill.
    The Bill also suggests raising the minimum fine or penalty every three years after it is passed into law.Goyal claimed that the government has made a number of steps since 2014 to make life easier for citizens, citing the adoption of the GST and the self-attestation of documents as two examples.In his speech he said We believe winning the trust of people and the business class is of utmost importance. That is why it has been named Jan Vishwas Amendment Bill, 2022,
    The cornerstone of democratic governance lies in the government trusting its own people and institutions. A web of outdated rules and regulations causes i trust deficit. It has been the endeavour of the government to achieve the principle of ‘Minimum Government Maximum Governance’, redefining the regulatory landscape of the country under Ease of Living and Ease of Doing Business reforms, the Bill states in its statement of objects and reasons. Goyal said, There are many laws in our country under which people are punished, or have to make rounds of courts for very minor offences… Generally, ordinary people and businessmen want an honest system, run their businesses honestly, and live an honest life. Sometimes they commit mistakes, too. In such situations, we believe they must not be prosecuted for small offences.\We want to bring in a system that has provisions for compounding of such offences by way of fines. He added. All these have impacted ease of doing business and ease of living, he said. We want to give foreign investors the red carpet, and not red tape. We jumped from 141th position on the index of ease of doing business to 63. We have repealed 1,500 obsolete laws, simplified 39,000 compliances, and brought 3,500 such provisions that have decriminalized minor offences. He said in Rajya Sabha. Tell us your opinion on this bill in the comments, we will glad to know it.


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