The file type that Android uses to distribute and instal programmes is called APK, or Android Package. APKs, which are frequently accessible outside of Google Play, enable users to instal software on their Android phones from outside sources, which could increase security threats.
    The BitKeep team stated in its official Telegram group: If your funds are taken, the programme you download or upgrade may be an unknown version (unofficial release version) hijacked. Additionally, BitKeep encouraged customers to transfer their funds to the wallet downloaded from the App Store or Google Play if they have downloaded the APK version. The addresses generated by the malicious APK may have been disclosed to hackers, hence users should ideally be prompted to do this action using a newly established wallet address.Initial estimates from security firm PeckShield put the total amount of stolen money at roughly $8 million in various digital assets.
     Source: Yahoo Although some Twitter users are contesting this account of events and alleging instances of money being taken from wallets that were downloaded properly, Singapore-based BitKeep has intensified its first inquiry. The hijacking of 7.2.9 APK is primarily to blame for the stealing incident of today. It is quite likely that people are not utilising the official version if they are using the APK version. Therefore, we have already enabled customers to transfer funds as soon as possible to the BitKeep Chrome plug-in wallet or to the app downloaded from the official store, and generate a new wallet address. What do you think about this ? Share your thoughts in the comments below .


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