The mobile app will include a series of questions with information about location, caste, the size of a family, their occupation, and annual income, among other things. According to officials, the administration anticipates finishing the procedure in two to three months.
    According to a official after census workers are chosen, they would be given training on how to make entry of caste survey in the mobile app.The caste survey’s first phase, which is set to start on January 7th, will involve home numbering and caste information gathering. The second phase, which is anticipated to start in mid-February, would involve gathering data on people’s economic situations. It was told that top police will review all composite data before compiling it in the app.Given the delicate nature of the exercise, the government has refrained from making a public spectacle of the caste census process. Officials claimed that census personnel would be urged not to share any local data with outsiders.
     Source: Swarajya The district magistrate (DM) in question will be the final monitoring authority after additional DMs, district welfare officers, and district statistics officers are involved at the top of the caste survey monitoring process. The sub-divisional officer will be at the next level, followed by a circle officer, a block development officer, and a municipal commissioner/chief executive officer.It is understood that Panchayati Raj Institutions will not be involved in any way with the process. However, the government will use data on recipients of a few government assistance programmes that are collected at the panchayat level. All BDOs have been ordered to submit information regarding caste and residency certificates granted in their territories, according to a senior government official.What do you think about this move? Tell us in the comments.


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