There life is all about burning corps. They live in the ashes that results from the combustion of dead bodies. They live in 10×10 square feet rooms around the ghats (Manikarnika) secluded from the city. They are also addicted to alcohol and marijuana in order to live with the dead. According to Hindu mythology, it is assumed that the Doms were cursed by Lord Shiva when a member from their community named Kallu Dom tried to steal an earring of the goddess Parvati, and in turn, making them the keepers of the flame. In addition to this Doms are considered as the mediators between moksha and masaan.
     Source: NashemanThere are many ghats in Banaras, and one of the most well-known is Manikarnika, which was named after Jhansi ki Rani and is one of the holiest and largest open-cremation sites on the banks of the Ganga. Ironically, women in the dom world do not have many rights. Since their group believes they won’t be safe in the society they live in, they are expected to get married relatively young. One mother responded that they don’t know what negative stereotypes the higher caste may have of them and that they worry about their daughters being exposed to them. The females in this area attend school up to the fifth or sixth grade, after which they get married, claiming that this is the only way to keep their girls safe. Even talking to strangers is prohibited for girls living in this community. The Dom community is oblivious of many of its rights; some people view their labour as a source of pride and blessing, while others aspire to advancement but are ignorant of their privileges. Educating this group about its rights has never been a priority of the government. The government needs to take action for people like the Doms by educating them about their rights, providing them with opportunities for growth and education, and letting them know that they have options for other good occupations.What do you think tell us through comments.


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