On Tuesday, Musk gathered a group of engineers and advisors into a room at Twitteru2019s headquarters looking for answers. Why are his engagement numbers tanking?
    u201cThis is ridiculous,u201d he said, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the meeting. u201cI have more than 100 million followers, and Iu2019m only getting tens of thousands of impressions.u201d One of the companyu2019s two remaining Principal engineers proposed one explanation for Musk’s diminishing popularity: public interest in his antics is waning barely over a year after the Tesla CEO made his unexpected approach to purchase Twitter for $44 billion.

    Source: The Young Turks
    Employees displayed a Google Trends chart and internal statistics on Musk’s account engagement. They informed him that, as indicated by a score of 100, Musk reached peak popularity in search rankings in April of last year. He now has a score of nine. Previously, engineers looked into whether Musk’s reach had been purposely constrained, but they couldn’t find any proof that the algorithm was prejudiced against him.
    Recently, after the business tried to roll out a number of new features, Twitter experienced an outage that prevented some users from sending tweets or direct messages. Following the company’s massive personnel layoffs, Insider’s Kali Hays earlier stated that the social media site would experience some difficulties in the upcoming months.
    Musk has fired employees immediately on several occasions. Musk sacked three Twitter employees who had criticized him on social media only a few weeks after he took the company private.
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