Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Ukraine marks a significant diplomatic move, underscoring India’s rising profile in global geopolitics. However, the idea of India playing a mediating role between Kyiv and Moscow is complex and fraught with challenges.

    From Ukraine’s perspective, India’s neutrality has been a point of contention. India’s refusal to condemn Russia’s invasion, coupled with its continued purchase of Russian oil, has made Kyiv skeptical about India’s role as an impartial mediator. Ukraine likely views India’s position as too aligned with Russian interests, limiting New Delhi’s credibility in any mediation efforts. Nevertheless, Ukraine might still be open to India’s involvement, considering India’s historical ties with Russia and the potential to influence Moscow more than Western powers can.

    Source:- news 18

    For the West, India’s involvement is both an opportunity and a risk. On one hand, India’s unique position as a friend to both Russia and the West could make it a valuable mediator, capable of brokering discussions that other nations might not. The West may see India as a potential channel to communicate with Russia, especially given the strained relations between Moscow and Western powers. On the other hand, there is concern that India’s mediation could favor Russia or lead to outcomes less favorable to Western interests. The West’s support for India’s role would depend on New Delhi’s ability to maintain a balanced approach that aligns with international norms and the broader strategic goals of containing Russian aggression.

    Source:- news 18

    In summary, while both Kyiv and the West may entertain the idea of India as a mediator, their expectations are tempered by India’s current stance. For India to play a meaningful role, it would need to navigate these diplomatic sensitivities carefully, ensuring that its mediation efforts are seen as fair and effective by all parties involved.

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