Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar has recently initiated a heartwarming initiative by starting a ‘langar’ (community kitchen) outside his Mumbai residence. This gesture is aimed at providing meals to those in need and supporting the underprivileged, particularly during challenging times.

    Source:- BBC news

    In a video circulating online, Akshay Kumar can be seen serving food to people on the streets. The actor, known for his philanthropic efforts, is seen distributing meals with a warm and genuine smile, highlighting his commitment to giving back to society. The langar, set up with the help of volunteers, operates daily and offers nutritious meals to anyone who requires them.

    Source:- india today

    The video showcases Kumar’s hands-on approach as he personally serves food, emphasizing the importance of community and compassion. This initiative has received widespread praise from both fans and the public, reinforcing the actor’s reputation not only as a successful film star but also as a compassionate humanitarian.

    Akshay Kumar’s move aligns with his longstanding practice of supporting various charitable causes. His previous efforts have included contributions to healthcare, disaster relief, and educational initiatives. By starting this langar, Kumar has once again demonstrated his dedication to social causes, aiming to make a tangible difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

    This act of kindness has sparked conversations about the role of celebrities in addressing social issues and has encouraged others to consider similar acts of generosity. Akshay Kumar’s langar serves as a powerful reminder of the impact that individual actions can have on the community and the importance of lending a helping hand during times of need.

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