Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar celebrated his wife, Twinkle Khanna’s 51st birthday, with a heartfelt and humorous tribute on social media. He shared a video on Instagram that humorously contrasted public perceptions of Twinkle with her true personality.

    Source:- bbc news

    The video begins with the caption, “What everyone thinks my wife is like…” and shows Twinkle relaxing with a book and a beverage, embodying a serene image. It then transitions to “But what she’s really like,” revealing Twinkle dancing joyfully in their living room, dressed in a black top and green pants, with Akshay joining her for a high-five.

    Source:- news 18

    “Happy Birthday, Tina. You’re not just a sport; you’re the whole game. I’ve learned so much from you—how to laugh until my stomach hurts (and you’re almost always the reason for it), how to sing my heart out when a favorite song plays on the radio, and how to dance just because I feel like. Tere varga sach mein hor koi na (There’s really no one like you).”

    This playful yet affectionate tribute highlights the couple’s strong bond and showcases Twinkle’s vibrant and lively nature.

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