Alia Bhatt speaks out against nepotism.Alia Bhatt said in an interview with Mid-day that she can’t keep defending herself. She made the same declaration as Kareena Kapoor Khan and said, I can no longer defend myself vocally. And don’t watch me if you don’t like me. I can’t help myself. Many people are upset about this. Alia Bhatt is trending on social media, and many people are slamming her. Some are labelling her arrogant, and some are intending to boycott her next film Brahmastra, in which she co-stars with Ranbir Kapoor. Here are a few tweets to get you started:

    Previously, Kareena Kapoor Khan made a similar comment when discussing nepotism. Its impact was felt in her most recent film, Laal Singh Chaddha. The film, which starred Aamir Khan, bombed at the box office. Will Brahmastra experience the same fate? Let us wait and see.


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