CEO Andy Jassy had already made hints about the layoffs, but he had not made it clear how many workers would be let go. In November, The New York Times reported that the business was thinking about terminating workers.
    A recent analysis shows that the company is now more likely than it was before to let go of 20,000 employees at all levels of employment. The CEO of Amazon recently stated that the business would continue the process of layoffs and that the affected workers would be notified when the company had completed its assessment.Since all departments in all places are being carefully looked at to find ways to save money, it is very likely that the number of people being fired has gone up.As our leaders continue to change, more roles will be cut as our annual planning process moves into the next year. Early in 2023, the organizations and workers who will be affected by these choices will be told about them. We don’t yet know how many more positions will be affected (although we do know that there will be cutbacks in our stores and PXT organizations), but each leader will let their relevant teams know as soon as we know the specifics. And, as we have done this week, Andy says that we will put direct communication with affected staff ahead of internal or public announcements.Jassy had stated in the message sent on November 17 that we haven’t yet determined exactly how many other roles will be impacted (we know that there will be reductions in our Stores and PXT organizations), but each leader will communicate to their respective teams when we have the details nailed down. Jassy recently stated, We just felt like we needed to streamline our costs, when asked about the layoffs at The New York Times DealBook conference.Whatu2019s going on behind the scenes at Amazon? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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