Amid intense infighting in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces a significant challenge in maintaining his war policy in Gaza. The recent internal political discord, primarily driven by controversies surrounding judicial reforms and Netanyahu’s leadership, has exposed fractures within the ruling coalition and the broader Israeli society. These divisions threaten to undermine the unity needed for pursuing an aggressive military strategy against Gaza.

    Source:- news 18

    Netanyahu’s war policy has primarily focused on using military force to neutralize Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza. However, with rising casualties on both sides, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and increasing international pressure for a ceasefire, the continuation of this approach is uncertain. Domestically, the escalating conflict has led to protests from various factions, including former military officials, opposition leaders, and members of his coalition, who question the sustainability and morality of the ongoing military operations.

    Source:- BBC news

    Moreover, the Prime Minister’s political survival is at stake as he navigates through the infighting. There is growing discontent among some of his right-wing supporters who demand harsher actions against Hamas, while others, including centrist and left-wing factions, advocate for a negotiated settlement. This polarization makes it challenging for Netanyahu to maintain a consistent war policy without alienating key political allies or igniting further public unrest.


    Netanyahu’s ability to carry on with his war policy in Gaza will depend on his capacity to manage these internal conflicts, maintain the support of his coalition, and address the humanitarian concerns raised by the international community. If the infighting intensifies and public opinion turns decisively against prolonged military engagement, he may be forced to recalibrate his strategy, potentially shifting toward diplomatic solutions or risk losing his grip on power.

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