Ananya Panday recently shared her admiration for her Gehraiyaan co-star, Deepika Padukone, highlighting the latter’s kindness and professionalism on set. According to Ananya, Deepika stands out not only for her immense talent but also for her remarkable interpersonal skills. She revealed that Deepika has a unique way of ensuring that everyone on set feels heard and respected. Ananya particularly emphasized how Deepika stands up for others, whether it’s the crew members or co-actors, in a manner that is both gentle and assertive.
Source:- bbc news
Ananya described Deepika as someone who exudes a sense of calm and grace, making everyone feel comfortable while working. She said that Deepika’s ability to communicate her thoughts politely and effectively creates a positive environment, which encourages collaboration and mutual respect. Despite her immense success and status in the industry, Deepika’s humility and inclusive approach have left a lasting impression on Ananya, who finds her to be a role model.
Source:- bbc news
Deepika, known for her professionalism and dedication to her craft, has consistently supported a culture of respect and kindness on set. Her demeanor, according to Ananya, is a testament to her leadership qualities, where she creates a nurturing environment that fosters creativity and teamwork. This mutual respect between the two actresses contributed to the seamless collaboration on Gehraiyaan, which explored complex relationships and emotions.
Ananya’s comments reflect a growing recognition of Deepika Padukone’s influence not only as an actress but also as a mentor and a source of support for others in the film industry.
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