Arbaaz Khan, who has been dating Giorgia Andriani for a few years, recently unveiled about their relationship. While the actor isn’t particularly open about his personal life, he was all applause for her in a recent conversation, gushing over her marvellous energy. Giorgia and Arbaaz have an age difference of about 21 years, which he addressed during the discussion, revealing that neither of them has felt the age difference.
    Arbaaz Khan discusses his relationship with Giorgia Andriani.Arbaaz Khan gushed about Giorgia Andriani’s energy and exuberance in a conversation with Siddharth Kannan. She is a wonderful girl, and we are very good friends, he said. She has that, you know, exuberance and energy about her. That makes her vibrate. I occasionally draw energy from her. People feed off each other’s energy, but it depends on who enters your life and when.Arbaaz added about their age difference, There’s a humongous age difference between us, but neither of us has felt it. ‘Really?’ I ask her occasionally. It could have been a brief and fleeting relationship. But when you’re in a relationship, you don’t look too far ahead, but the longer you’re in it, the more questions arise. He went on to say that they are both at a point in their lives where they are considering how to take it further, but that it is too soon for him to discuss it right now.Comment your thoughts on this.


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