The Archbishop recently approached the Prime Minister, urging intervention to address pressing concerns within the Christian community. Paramount among these concerns are the alarming rise in attacks on churches. The Archbishop emphasized the need for swift action to safeguard places of worship, promoting religious harmony and ensuring the protection of the Christian minority.

    In a detailed letter to the Prime Minister, the Archbishop highlighted the increasing frequency of attacks on churches, which has raised significant apprehensions among Christians nationwide. These incidents not only pose a threat to the physical safety of congregants but also undermine the principles of religious tolerance and coexistence.

    Source:- India Today

    The Archbishop called for a comprehensive strategy to tackle the root causes of these attacks, advocating for improved law enforcement measures and heightened security around churches. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of fostering interfaith dialogue to promote understanding and unity among different religious communities.

    Source:- BBC news

    Beyond physical security, the letter addressed broader concerns such as discrimination and marginalization faced by Christians in various spheres of life. The Archbishop urged the Prime Minister to take proactive steps to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs.

    Furthermore, the letter emphasized the significance of education in fostering tolerance and acceptance. The Archbishop proposed the inclusion of modules on religious diversity and harmony in the national curriculum to promote a more inclusive and understanding society.

    In response to economic challenges faced by Christian communities, the Archbishop sought the Prime Minister’s support in implementing policies that would uplift marginalized groups, ensuring their economic empowerment and social integration.

    The Prime Minister’s intervention in these matters is crucial not only for addressing the immediate security concerns but also for fostering a sense of inclusivity and equal participation in the nation’s progress. The Archbishop’s letter reflects the collective plea of the Christian community for a more secure and harmonious future, where religious diversity is celebrated and protected.

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