In a historic announcement, Kerala has confirmed that the Argentina national football team, led by Lionel Messi, will play two friendly matches in the state in October 2025. This is a major milestone for the region, which had previously missed the opportunity to host Argentina due to financial constraints. However, Kerala’s government stepped in, with Sports Minister V. Abdurahiman playing a key role in securing the match.
Source:- bbc news
The matches will be a part of broader efforts to develop football in Kerala, including collaborations with Argentina’s renowned football system. The event is expected to generate excitement among local fans, especially considering Messi’s return to India after 14 years. In addition to the friendly matches, there is a strong focus on football development programs, such as Kerala’s GOAL initiative, aimed at training 5,000 children
Source:- news 18
This event is poised to not only boost the state’s sports economy but also inspire future generations of football enthusiasts.
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