The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) convenor said: I have heard that the Assam Chief Minister`s wife has opened a private school where lakhs of rupees in fees were taken. This is very dangerous. If the Chief Minister`s wife herself runs private schools, the state education system would soon collapse entirely.
    He also claimed that these things earlier were happening in Delhi also. Every MLA and minister used to run private schools in Delhi once upon a time. They paralyzed the education system and forced people to take admitted to private schools with high fees. But we have changed the entire scenario, and you can see how Delhi government schools are performing now, Kejriwal said.
    Source:- TOI
    The Delhi Chief Minister also claimed that not a single MLA in the AAP is involved with private school businesses. If AAP comes to power in Assam, we will develop schools in this state as we did in Delhi, he said.
    Kejriwal also drew a comparison between the performance of the BJP government in Assam and the AAP government in Delhi. In 2015, our party formed the government in Delhi, and Himanta Biswa Sarma came to power in Assam in 2016. You can see how we developed Delhi in all these years. We have built world-class schools and opened Mohalla clinics. The treatment and medicines are now free in Delhi. Nobody has to think about the treatment, whether he is rich or poor, the Delhi Chief Minister said.
    Kejriwal further alleged that Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma has not done anything for the people of Assam in all these years except promote `Mafia Raj`.
    A paper leak happened in Assam a few days ago, but no punishment was given. This is because a syndicate is going on under the BJP`s rule here. From coal to betel nuts, everything is controlled by mafias who have links with the ruling dispensation, the Delhi Chief Minister alleged.He also claimed that the unemployment rate is very high in Assam, and Sarma failed in his promise to employ the youth.

    Source: NDTV
    I met some young people before arriving here. At least 22 lakh people are unemployed here, appealing for jobs, but nobody hears them. Himanta Biswa Sarma promised before the last election to provide jobs, but he miserably failed. At the speed at which he is providing employment, it would take a minimum of 100 years to deal with the unemployment issue in Assam, Kejriwal said.
    He claimed that the Delhi government has given jobs to 12 lakh people. The AAP government in Punjab has created 28,000 jobs in just one year.Kejriwal also took a swipe at Himanta Biswa Sarma for threatening to file a defamation suit.
    The AAP leader said: The people of Assam are very good. They offer good hospitality to guests, and this is the tradition here. But unfortunately, Himanta Biswa Sarma, even after becoming the Chief Minister of the state, could not learn the traditions of Assam.
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