Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi and the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), recently clarified that his wife, Sunita Kejriwal, has no interest in politics and will not be contesting elections in the future. This statement comes amidst ongoing speculation and rumors regarding her potential political ambitions. Kejriwal emphasized that Sunita, a former Indian Revenue Service officer, prefers to stay away from the political spotlight and is dedicated to her personal and family life.

    Source:- india today

    Kejriwal’s clarification aims to dispel any misconceptions about his wife’s role and intentions within the political landscape. He highlighted that Sunita has always maintained a low profile, supporting him from the background without seeking any public or political role for herself. This reaffirmation of her disinterest in politics underscores the Kejriwal family’s commitment to separating personal and political spheres.

    Source:- BBC news

    By addressing these rumors, Arvind Kejriwal hopes to focus public and media attention on the governance and policy issues at hand rather than on unfounded speculations about his family’s involvement in politics. This move is also likely intended to reassure his supporters and constituents of his dedication to transparent and straightforward political conduct.

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