King Charles III Accession: The ceremony was held at St. James’s Palace, a royal residence in London. (AP)King Charles III vowed to follow his mother’s ‘inspiring example’ in a personal declaration at the accession ceremony on Saturday. I know how deeply you and the entire nation, and I believe I may say the entire world, sympathise with me in this irreparable loss we have all suffered, and I know how deeply you and the entire nation, and I think According to King Charles III.
    After announcing the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, King Charles made his declaration in the Throne Room of St. James’ Palace in London.All live updates on King Charles III’s accession can be found here.
    Her reign was unequalled in its duration, dedication, and devotion, King Charles said of his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, adding, Even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life.
    I pray to the guidance and help of almighty God in carrying out the heavy task that has been laid upon me, and to which I now dedicate what remains of my life, he added.
    The monarch then signed the Proclamation, stating that he was deeply aware of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty. The document was signed by witnesses, including his son, Prince William.Camilla, the Queen Consort, accompanied King Charles III to the ceremony.
    We offer our condolences to the royal family of Britain. Write your wishes down below!


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