Varun Dhawan’s latest film *Baby John* has had a challenging start at the box office, ending its first week with barely any growth. Despite the star power of Dhawan and the film’s significant promotions, the movie has struggled to pick up momentum, grossing just over ₹32 crore in its first seven days. This is a relatively modest figure considering the expectations surrounding the film’s release.

    Source:- bbc news

    The film’s first-week collection shows minimal growth compared to its opening day, indicating a lack of strong word-of-mouth or sustained audience interest. The drop in collections after the opening day is a concerning trend for the film, which had hoped for a strong performance, especially given Dhawan’s popularity and the film’s large-scale release.

    Source:- news 18

    While the movie features a strong cast and an engaging storyline, its failure to attract repeat viewers and generate significant box-office buzz points to potential issues with its pacing, script, or overall execution. The competition from other major releases and a crowded movie calendar may have also played a role in limiting *Baby John’s* box-office potential.

    Despite the underwhelming numbers, the film still has some time to recover, particularly with international markets and smaller regional audiences. However, without a sharp increase in collections in the coming weeks, *Baby John* may struggle to meet its financial expectations.

    In conclusion, *Baby John’s* first-week box office performance, with a total of ₹32 crore, signals a disappointing start for Varun Dhawan’s film. While the movie is not a complete failure, it faces an uphill battle in its subsequent weeks to turn around its fortunes and justify the investment.

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