Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during a recent address, identified the infiltration of Bangladeshis and Rohingya Muslims into Jharkhand as a significant threat to the state’s security and stability. He emphasized the need for urgent measures to tackle this issue, which he believes could have wide-ranging consequences on the demographic, cultural, and economic fabric of the state. According to Modi, illegal immigration not only strains local resources but also poses a security risk, as it may contribute to rising tensions and law-and-order challenges.

    Source:- news 18

    The Prime Minister’s comments come amid ongoing concerns about the impact of illegal immigration on various parts of India, particularly the northeastern and eastern regions that share borders with Bangladesh. Jharkhand, though not directly adjacent to Bangladesh, has reportedly seen a growing influx of undocumented migrants, particularly from the neighboring states. Modi underscored the government’s commitment to protecting the borders and preventing any attempts to alter the state’s demographic profile.

    Source:- bbc news

    Additionally, Modi pointed out the connection between illegal immigration and the spread of extremist ideologies, warning that unchecked infiltration could be exploited by anti-national elements. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has consistently pushed for stricter border controls and measures to identify and deport illegal immigrants, framing the issue as one of national security.


    The Prime Minister also called upon the state government and law enforcement agencies to strengthen their efforts in dealing with the situation. He highlighted the importance of regional cooperation and intelligence sharing to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants and to ensure the protection of India’s borders. Modi’s remarks signal a heightened focus on immigration control as a critical aspect of Jharkhand’s security strategy.

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