The fact that consumption in urban and rural areas in 2022–2023 was around 2.5 times higher than in 2011–12 is encouraging. Another important finding is that, compared to urban areas, consumption in rural areas is expanding more quickly; in 2011–12, the difference was 84%, but it is now just 71%. 

    The report shows that, despite the country’s residents’ increasing income, India’s poverty rate has dropped below 5%, according to BVR Subrahmanyam, CEO of NITI Aayog. The poll indicates that there has been a notable decline in grain intake. 

    Source: Only IAS

    Their intake decreased from 10.7% of the average monthly per capita consumption expenditure (MPCE) in 2011–12 to less than 5% in rural areas. In cities, the trend is similar: people are consuming more fruits, vegetables, and milk. Supporting the dairy industry is therefore essential as it must keep up with the steadily increasing domestic demand. 

    The Finance Minister mentioned the low productivity of milch animals in India’s speech earlier this month, even though the country is the world’s largest producer of milk. The stakeholders should be motivated to stop the decline by the enormous legacy of Verghese Kurien, known as the “Father of the White Revolution.”

    Source: Drishti IAS: English

    In order to assist farmers become self-sufficient and resistant to price volatility, which frequently results in losses and the disposal of their produce on the roads, the horticultural industry also requires a Kurien. Encouragement of growers to produce fruits and vegetables in line with the growing market can also help the agricultural diversification initiative.


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